Brand Name : Hanbao
Product Code :  139171600074

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The HANBAO HB 02 A Pulse Induction (PI) is a metal detector device used for detecting metallic objects buried underground or hidden within various materials. Here are some key features and specifications of this particular model:Pulse Induction Technology: The HANBAO HB 02 A utilizes Pulse Induction technology, which is known for its ability to provide excellent depth and sensitivity in detecting metal objects. PI detectors are particularly effective in handling mineralized soil and challenging ground conditions.Detection Depth: The specific detection depth of the HANBAO HB 02 A PI metal detector may vary based on factors such as the size and type of the target object, soil conditions, and other environmental factors. Generally, PI detectors can detect targets at greater depths compared to other types of metal detectors.Waterproof Design: The HB 02 A is typically designed with waterproof capabilities, allowing it to be used in shallow water, such as beaches, rivers, or lakes. This feature enhances the versatility of the detector and expands the range of search environments.Sensitivity Adjustment: The metal detector often provides sensitivity adjustment options, enabling the user to customize the device's sensitivity to different target sizes and ground conditions. Adjusting the sensitivity helps in reducing false signals and optimizing detection performance.
  • HANBAO Induction HB02A PULSE


  • Hanbao Industries India Private Limited,1/117,kamarajar Salai, Periya Mathur, Manali, Chennai - 600068,Tamilnadu, India

  • 2.2 Kilograms

  • 2200 Watts

  • India


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